COVID-19 Protocol / Updates
SFAS COVID-19 Specialized Learning Plans (as of 5/7/21):
On-campus learning will happen on Tuesdays through Thursdays for specialized targeted services to vulnerable children and youth during limited days and times under Directive 2020-26c.
On campus learning will take place from 8:30AM to 3:30PM. Monday and Friday will be distance learning via ZOOM.
We have attached San Francisco Adventist School's on-campus safety plans in this document here.
For a more detailed list of what parents should expect with hybrid learning, please click here.
Also, we have attached our Risk Acknowledgment Documents in both English and Spanish here: Risk Acknowledgment (ENG) / Risk Acknowledgment (ES)
Any parents/guardians in need of extra devices (iPads, Chromebooks, etc.) for their child can contact Principal Flo, Ms. Danielle, or email the SFAS email at
How to combat COVID-19:
If you are unwell and experiencing any of COVID-19 symptoms, please go to your local testing center to get tested ASAP.
You may view a list of the symptoms here: CDC COVID-19 Symptoms
For everyone's safety, especially if we return to on-campus learning, please view the health directives from the SF Dept. of Public Health here: SFDPH Health Directives
To prevent any unnecessary contact and spread of the virus, SFAS will be enforcing social distancing when on-campus learning resumes. You may view a list of the social distancing protocol here: SFDPH Social Distancing Protocol
SFAS parents/guardians will need to fill out and sign a risk acknowledgement form in order for students to return to campus safely and responsibly. See above.
Upcoming Events:
No School - Cesar Chavez Day: March 31